
Buy Vaper HVLP Touch-Up Spray Gun Set with Stand - 2.3mm, Model# 19123 Online Shop

Vaper HVLP Touch-Up Spray Gun Set with Stand - 2.3mm, Model# 19123 Features

Vaper HVLP Touch-Up Spray Gun Set with Stand - 2.3mm, Model# 19123 Overview

For lighter materials and touch-up work. Die-cast aluminum body with chrome-plated finish and stainless steel nozzle. Nonbleeder type, gravity-feed external mix. Locking air regulator with gauge and 2-step trigger control. Adjustable spray width, air inlet and fluid outlet. Includes BONUS stand. Nozzles Included (qty.): 1, Nozzle Size (mm): 2.3, Paint Cup Material: Aluminum [else][endif] [if ]

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